Please join our journal club next Friday for a discussion on the impact of China's market reforms on the health of its citizens - where a public opinion survey on health reveals some unexpected results.  The discussion will be based the article “The Impact of China's Market Reforms on the Health of Chinese Citizens: Examining Two Puzzles” by Whyte and Sun which can be found by clicking on the link below. The discussion will be facilitated by Yoel Kornreich, a political science doctoral at the University of British Columbia, and will take place from 12:30 to 1:30 on 25th of March 2011 in Room 436 Library Processing Centre, 2206 E. Mall, UBC Campus.

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Please join our journal club next Friday for a discussion of economic thinking in global health, and how it generates "geographies" of health, illness and inequity. The discussion will be based on a book chapter by Matthew Sparke of the University of Washington. The discussion will be facilitated by Ben Brisbois, a doctoral candidate in the School of Population and Public Health, and will take place from 12:30 to 1:30 on 11th of March 2011 in Room 436 Library Processing Centre, 2206 E. Mall, UBC Campus. The chapter can be found by clicking on the link below.
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